8 Best Practices When Adding IoT Devices to Your Network

8 Best Practices When Adding IoT Devices to Your Network

The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming businesses, streamlining operations, and creating exciting new possibilities. From smart sensors that monitor equipment health to connected thermostats that optimize energy usage, IoT devices are revolutionizing the way companies function. 

But hold on a minute. Before you outfit your entire office with the latest gadgets, let’s talk about best practices. Adding a bunch of new devices to your business network requires careful consideration to ensure optimal performance and robust security.

Over the past three years, 69% of organizations have seen an increase in cyber-attacks on IoT devices.

Read on to learn how to introduce smart devices into your business network the RIGHT way.

Understanding Your Business Needs: Choosing the Right Tools for the Job

The world of IoT for business is vast. There are devices to track inventory, monitor environmental conditions, and even automate tasks. The key to success is choosing the right tools for your specific needs. 

Here are some key questions to ask yourself:

  • What problems are you trying to solve? Are you looking to improve efficiency, reduce costs, or gain better insights into your operations? Identifying your goals will help you choose the most appropriate IoT devices.
  • What data do you need to collect? Different devices collect different types of data. Be clear on what data is essential for your business and choose devices that capture that information effectively.
  • What level of integration is required? Some devices operate independently, while others need to integrate seamlessly with your existing systems. Consider the level of integration needed to ensure a smooth workflow.

Gearing Up for Work: Preparing Your Network for Business IoT

So, you’ve selected the perfect IoT devices to boost your business operations, ensuring they fit your needs. Now it’s time to prepare your network for their arrival. Following, are some crucial aspects to consider.

1. Network Assessment

Conduct a thorough assessment of your current network infrastructure. Can it handle the additional load of multiple devices transmitting data? Upgrading your network bandwidth or switching to a more robust internet plan might be necessary.

2. Segmentation

Creating a separate network specifically for your IoT devices can be a wise security measure. This isolates them from your main business network where sensitive data resides, minimizing potential security risks.

3. Device Management

Investing in a centralized device management platform simplifies managing your IoT devices. These platforms allow you to monitor device health, configure settings, and deploy updates efficiently all from a single administrative tool.

4. Cybersecurity Measures

Business networks are prime targets for cyberattacks. Ensure your network security is robust, with strong firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and up-to-date security software. 

Essential Security Practices for Business IoT

Security is of paramount importance when dealing with business data. Smart devices can be easily overlooked when planning a cybersecurity and threat monitoring strategy. Here’s how to be a responsible employer when it comes to your company’s IoT network:

5. Research Before You Buy

Security features can vary greatly between IoT devices. Prioritize devices with a strong reputation for security and those that comply with relevant industry standards.

6. Strong Passwords & Authentication

Don’t settle for factory default settings! Enforce strong, unique passwords for all your IoT devices. Enable multi-factor authentication wherever available to add an extra layer of security.

7. Regular Firmware Updates

Just like any software, IoT devices need regular firmware updates to address security vulnerabilities and bugs. Configure automatic updates whenever possible, or establish a clear update schedule for your devices.

8. Employee Training

Educate your employees about the importance of IoT security. Train them on identifying suspicious behavior and reporting any potential security concerns.

Maintaining and Upgrading Your Business IoT Network

The world of technology is constantly evolving, and so should your approach to business IoT. Here are some tips for keeping your network running smoothly and securely:

  • Monitor Performance: Regularly monitor the performance of your network and IoT devices. Identify any bottlenecks or security anomalies and take necessary corrective actions.
  • Plan for Growth: As your business needs evolve, so will your IoT requirements. Develop a scalable plan to accommodate future additions to your network.
  • Consider Device Lifecycle Management: IoT devices, like all technology, have a lifespan. Develop a plan for replacing outdated devices with newer, more secure models to ensure optimal performance and continued security.

Unlocking the Power of IoT for Your Business

By following these best practices, you can leverage the power of IoT to create a more efficient, productive, and secure work environment for your business. Remember, a little planning goes a long way. With the right preparation and approach, you can transform your workplace into a thriving hub of IoT innovation, without compromising on security or network performance.

Need an Expert to Help Manage & Secure Your Modern Office?

Today’s offices in Central Florida and elsewhere are full of interconnected devices and business tools. Security and productivity can get out of hand easily if all those devices, apps, and software aren’t managed effectively.

Our team at C Solutions IT has the expertise to keep your business on the right track with technology and security.

Contact us today to learn how we can help.