Ron Cervantes

Things to Consider When Being Down (Beyond Backups)

Things to Consider When Being Down (Beyond Backups) Things to Consider When Being Down (Beyond Backups)

Why are things like credential theft and ransomware infections so costly? A large part of the cost is downtime. When your business is down due to the inability to access data or systems, you are losing productivity dollars, potential new leads, and may also lose existing customers because you can’t fulfill an urgent need.

5 Key Security Stacks That Businesses Need to Have

5 Key Security Stacks That Businesses Need to Have 5 Key Security Stacks That Businesses Need to Have

Back when technology was still a new concept in offices, an antivirus used to be considered “cybersecurity.” But both cyberattacks and IT infrastructure have come a long way since the early 2000s, and companies now need a multi-layered security stack if they want to defend themselves against threats.

Reasons to Back up Microsoft Office 365 (What Is Microsoft’s Stance on This?)

Reasons to Back up Microsoft Office 365 (What Is Microsoft’s Stance on This?) Reasons to Back up Microsoft Office 365 (What Is Microsoft’s Stance on This?)

When planning a backup and recovery strategy, one area that many companies neglect is their cloud data. They think that since the cloud can sync and store data files online, this is a form of protection.

What Should You Focus On to Stay in Front of Threats in 2022?

What Should You Focus On to Stay in Front of Threats in 2022? What Should You Focus On to Stay in Front of Threats in 2022?

The pandemic hasn’t only fueled a work-from-home workforce, it’s also caused a steep rise in cyber threats. In the third quarter of 2021, ransomware attacks increased by 148%. And during the first half of the year, phishing volume jumped 22%. 

Everything You Need to Know About Price Increases for Microsoft 365

Everything You Need to Know About Price Increases for Microsoft 365 Everything You Need to Know About Price Increases for Microsoft 365

If you use Microsoft 365 for your business or are planning to subscribe to it soon, you’ll want to know the details of an upcoming price increase that Microsoft says is the “first substantive pricing update since we launched Office 365 a decade ago.”