Ron Cervantes

How Often Should You Reboot Your PC and Why Should It Be Done?

How Often Should You Reboot Your PC and Why Should It Be Done? How Often Should You Reboot Your PC and Why Should It Be Done?

As technology has become more vital to day-to-day business operations, people have found themselves in front of screens much more of the day. Between Q3 of 2019 and Q1 of 2020, overall screen time per person increased 14% to a total of 13:28 hours per day.

5 Tips for Successfully Implementing IoT in Your Workplace

5 Tips for Successfully Implementing IoT in Your Workplace 5 Tips for Successfully Implementing IoT in Your Workplace

The Internet of Things (aka IoT) is one of those terms that was foreign to a lot of people just a few years ago. But just like “the Cloud,” it has now become mainstream. IoT use is also growing rapidly, especially among businesses looking to automate and improve efficiency.