Ron Cervantes

Is It Safe to Store My Passwords in a Browser? (Things to Be Aware Of)

Is It Safe to Store My Passwords in a Browser? (Things to Be Aware Of) Is It Safe to Store My Passwords in a Browser? (Things to Be Aware Of)

Deciding how to manage passwords is a challenge that every individual and business face. We can’t get around the need to use them, but once passwords become compromised it can lead to an expensive account or network breach.

3 Ways to Find Out if Your Personal Information Has Been Breached (and What to Do!)

3 Ways to Find Out if Your Personal Information Has Been Breached (and What to Do!) 3 Ways to Find Out if Your Personal Information Has Been Breached (and What to Do!)

In today’s digital age, your personal information can be exposed at any time through no fault of your own. Large online platforms like Facebook get breached, as well as retailers like Hobby Lobby and Target or other online sites.

How Often Should You Reboot Your PC and Why Should It Be Done?

How Often Should You Reboot Your PC and Why Should It Be Done? How Often Should You Reboot Your PC and Why Should It Be Done?

As technology has become more vital to day-to-day business operations, people have found themselves in front of screens much more of the day. Between Q3 of 2019 and Q1 of 2020, overall screen time per person increased 14% to a total of 13:28 hours per day.