Category: News

How to Limit Company Exposure When You Lose Your Phone or Laptop

How to Limit Company Exposure When You Lose Your Phone or Laptop How to Limit Company Exposure When You Lose Your Phone or Laptop

COVID-19 drove conversation on remote work to the fore. A substantially larger number of people are working from home than there was pre-2020. With remote work and telecommuting comes an elevated risk of losing company laptops and phones. 

5 Major Phishing Mistakes to Avoid That Leave You Vulnerable

5 Major Phishing Mistakes to Avoid That Leave You Vulnerable 5 Major Phishing Mistakes to Avoid That Leave You Vulnerable

Is your company making some mistakes that increase your risk of a phishing attack? Simply forwarding a phishing email or not reinforcing security awareness throughout the year can put you in a higher risk category than a company that builds security awareness into its “business as usual.”

Public USB Charging Stations: Are They Safe? What to Look Out For

Public USB Charging Stations: Are They Safe? What to Look Out For Public USB Charging Stations: Are They Safe? What to Look Out For

Our smartphones have become almost an extension of ourselves that we can’t do without. 53% of Americans say that they have never gone longer than 24 hours without their phone, and 74% say they feel uneasy about leaving their phone home when they go out.

Things to Consider When Being Down (Beyond Backups)

Things to Consider When Being Down (Beyond Backups) Things to Consider When Being Down (Beyond Backups)

Why are things like credential theft and ransomware infections so costly? A large part of the cost is downtime. When your business is down due to the inability to access data or systems, you are losing productivity dollars, potential new leads, and may also lose existing customers because you can’t fulfill an urgent need.