Category: News

Windows 7 is Losing Vital Security Support! 5 Things You Need to Do by January 2020

Windows 7 is Losing Vital Security Support! 5 Things You Need to Do by January 2020

Unfortunately, there comes a time when all good operating systems must come to and end, and that time is fast approaching for Windows 7. The OS loses extended support (i.e. is at “end of life”) on January 14, 2020.

Securing Online Accounts with Two-Factor Authentication

Securing Online Accounts with Two-Factor Authentication

Securing Online Accounts with Two-Factor Authentication Look at the list below of online services below. How many do you currently have an active account with? Obviously this isn’t an all inclusive list but it’s enough to get you to consider of all of your online accounts and take action on how you can protect them. […]

Windows 10 Upgrade

Windows 10 Upgrade

Windows 10 Upgrade – Not necessarily a missed opportunity You might remember way back Microsoft offered a free upgrade to Windows 10. All you needed was a current valid licensed OS running Windows 7 or 8.1. That free upgrade offer expired on July 29, 2016 and anyone who wanted to upgrade after that date would […]

Ransomware Alert!

Ransomware Alert!

This week I had a new client get infected by ransomware. Luckily this story is short as they had solid backups. It was a virtual machine which housed their entire Quickbooks database so of course the client was quite upset and concerned. There were valid backups so all I needed to do was restore the […]