Why Do You Do What You Do?

Why Do You Do What You Do?


The end of the year is always a time of reflection of the past year with an eye towards the coming year. Why do we do what we do? On a purely basic level I think it comes down to helping people. What we do fulfills us. Why do I do what I do? Well I’ve been in technology my entire career. I was a Director of IT for a national transportation company for twelve years. In the spring of 2012 the company was bought out and my position ended. I transitioned into being an IT instructor and started to move towards IT support for small businesses to keep my foot in the “real world” that I could bring into the classroom. For a very brief time I worked for an IT support company and had a poor experience that pushed me to make a positive move towards my own service offerings. You don’t have to deceive clients to keep their service. With good service comes more business.

I offer IT services for businesses that don’t need full time IT support. While there are many other companies that offer similar services as mine it’s my personal unique service that separates me in my opinion.

As you reflect on your past year (and the coming year) ask yourself why you do what you do? If there are aspects of what you do that you don’t enjoy, figure out how to change or eliminate those aspects.


Get out and network, make valuable business relationships. Listen to the business needs of others and if you can’t solve their issues or concerns, do your best to refer them to a local business that can. When they have a need you can fill they’ll come back to you.

I hope everyone had a great holiday and please have a fantastic and safe New Year!