When choosing between a business or a personal laptop, the vast number of options available can be overwhelming. Every brand has several products, and each model has various features and components.
Why Small Businesses Should Worry About Ransomware
Regardless of its size, any business can be targeted for ransomware attacks. It is wrong to think that hackers may ignore your small business and settle for an organization with more extensive data.
Restart vs. Shut Down: All You Need to Know
Just about all computer operating systems, from Microsoft Windows to macOS will give you two options for turning off your computer – restart and shut down. Computer users make use of the terms restart and shut down on different occasions. Surprisingly, many people do not recognize notable differences between the two functions.
The 5 Common Ways Data Breaches Occur
Most of the time, a data breach is not just a temporary error. It can be the end of an organization. Imagine waking up one morning to find out that sensitive information belonging to your or your customers has been exposed. The costs that come in the aftermath are often too much for smaller companies […]
Post-Covid Work Environment: How to Enforce Productivity In WFH Employees
The need for working from home has increased tremendously since 2020 with the coronavirus outbreak. To keep the workplace running, working from home was introduced to employees. However, it isn’t easy to attest that WFH employees are productive.
SSO – What it is and How it Can Help Organize Your Business
In a 2018 survey, small firms used an average of 73 software applications. That number has been rising steadily over the years and is almost certainly higher now. The average employee has to log into multiple business applications each week ranging from company email to customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Each would require a distinct […]
Social Engineering Tactics. How to Recognize and Avoid
Social engineering isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when most people think about cyberattacks. Yet, social engineering is consistently the most widely used avenue for breaking through an organization’s cyber defenses. Even when hackers use technical means to break through a system, there will often be some social engineering involved to obtain login […]
How to Limit Company Exposure When You Lose Your Phone or Laptop
COVID-19 drove conversation on remote work to the fore. A substantially larger number of people are working from home than there was pre-2020. With remote work and telecommuting comes an elevated risk of losing company laptops and phones.
Wi-Fi 6 – Why You Should Consider Upgrading
It’s been more than two years since the 802.11ax wireless networking standard made its debut. More commonly referred to as Wi-Fi 6, there is today a raft of routers and devices built to make the most of these new technologies. As with any new standard, upgrading is not always necessary.
Why Your Remote Team Should Put IoT Devices on a Separate Wi-Fi Network
Working from home is a part of life now for many companies. From small businesses to large enterprises, employees are transitioning to an at-home and hybrid working model.