End of Life for Server 2012 R2: How to Prepare for the Future of Your Infrastructure

End of Life for Server 2012 R2 How to Prepare for the Future of Your Infrastructure

As technology evolves at a rapid pace, it becomes necessary for organizations to keep up with the latest advancements to ensure a secure and efficient IT infrastructure. One crucial aspect of maintaining a robust network is timely upgrades and migration away from outdated systems

In this article, we will explore the end of life for Server 2012 R2 and discuss effective strategies to prepare for the future. 

What Does the End of Life for Server 2012 R2 Mean? 

Server 2012 R2, a popular server operating system released by Microsoft in 2013, has reached its end of life. This means that Microsoft will no longer provide regular security updates, bug fixes, or technical support for the software. Operating an unsupported server poses significant risks to an organization, including potential security vulnerabilities, compliance issues, and lack of access to critical updates.

The Importance of Upgrading

Enhanced Security

One of the primary reasons to upgrade from Server 2012 R2 is to ensure the security of your infrastructure. Without regular security updates, your server becomes more susceptible to malware, viruses, and other cyber threats.

Compliance Requirements

Many industries have specific compliance standards that necessitate running supported and up-to-date software. Upgrading to a newer server version can help meet these regulatory requirements and avoid potential penalties.

Performance and Efficiency

Newer server versions often offer improved performance, efficiency, and scalability. By upgrading, you can benefit from enhanced processing power, better resource management, and optimized performance for your applications and services.

What are Alternative Solutions? 

Migrating to SharePoint

SharePoint, Microsoft’s collaborative platform, offers a range of features for document management, team collaboration, and content sharing. By migrating your data from Server 2012 R2 to SharePoint, you can leverage its powerful tools and functionalities to enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and improve communication within your organization.

Adopting a Local NAS Solution

Network-Attached Storage (NAS) provides a centralized storage solution that allows multiple users to access and share files over a network. Investing in a local NAS device can help alleviate the burden on your server by offloading storage needs, improving file access speeds, and providing an additional layer of data redundancy.

Moving to a Cloud-Hosted Server

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate by offering flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solutions. By migrating your infrastructure to a cloud-hosted server, you can eliminate the need for on-premises hardware, reduce maintenance costs, and benefit from the ability to scale resources up or down based on your needs. 

Cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offer a wide range of services and options tailored to various business requirements.

What are the Benefits of Moving Internal Infrastructure Outside? 


Cloud-hosted servers and services provide virtually limitless scalability. You can easily scale resources up or down based on demand, ensuring optimal performance without the need for significant hardware investments.

Enhanced Collaboration

Cloud-based solutions foster improved collaboration by enabling seamless file sharing, real-time document editing, and remote access to data from any location or device. This flexibility enhances productivity and teamwork within your organization.

Data Security and Backup

Cloud service providers employ advanced security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, ensuring encryption, regular backups, and disaster recovery options. Storing data outside your premises safeguards against physical threats and minimizes the risk of data loss due to hardware failures or natural disasters.

Cost Efficiency

Moving your infrastructure outside through cloud hosting eliminates the need for maintaining and upgrading on-premises hardware. This significantly reduces capital expenditure and allows you to pay for resources on a subscription or usage-based model, optimizing cost efficiency.

Steps to Prepare for the Transition

Evaluate Your Current Infrastructure

Begin by assessing your existing infrastructure and identifying the dependencies and applications running on Server 2012 R2. This will help you understand the impact of the migration and determine the best alternative solution for your organization’s needs.

Plan and Test the Migration Process

Develop a migration plan that includes timelines, resource allocation, and a step-by-step approach to safely move your data and applications to the chosen alternative solution. It is crucial to perform thorough testing and validation before proceeding with the actual migration to minimize downtime and potential disruptions.

Communicate with Stakeholders

Inform all relevant stakeholders about the upcoming migration and the benefits it will bring to the organization. Address any concerns they may have and provide training or support resources to ensure a smooth transition.

Data Backup and Security

Before migrating, ensure you have proper backups of all critical data to avoid any data loss during the migration process. Additionally, implement robust security measures for the new infrastructure to protect against potential threats.

Monitor and Optimize

Once the migration is complete, closely monitor the performance and functionality of the new solution. Continuously optimize the infrastructure to ensure it aligns with your evolving business needs and goals.

Make Your Move Today 

The end of life for Server 2012 R2 presents an opportunity for organizations to reassess their infrastructure and explore alternative solutions that offer enhanced security, scalability, and collaboration. Contact C Solutions IT today to discuss your migration strategy and explore the best alternatives for your organization’s specific needs.